The CarlyMarie Project – Day 26

                                  Healing Ritual

Healing Ritual - Balloon Release

One of my family’s favorite healing ritual is to release balloons.  We usually release them 3 times a year to remember Clara’s on her birthday, the day she entered Heaven, and the day we honor her life.  The balloon release was our way to help our boys heal some of the wounds on Clara’s first birthday.  We wrote messages and sent them off to Heaven.  It became healing for me too.  Seeing such excitement as the kids wrote their messages, hearts, and smiley faces brings me to tears and yet a smile.  For them to feel the connection with their sister means a lot to them.  It means the world to me.  A little bit of each of us rises with those balloons and greets our little ones waiting in Heaven.  A little gift from earth that brings comfort on some of the toughest days we live.



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