Tag Archives: {Thankful For}

#CaptureYourGrief – Day #26



Gratitude is more than being being thankful for the people who have helped me along the way. It is also about being thankful for the situations and small things that have been found in the storm clouds.  The most helpful thing for me during my times of suffering has been finding something good in the day, focusing on that, and being thankful for it.

After we lost Clara those good things were small.  A hug, not throwing up, kind words were things I started with.  They redirected my attention when by body reminded me that it was time to feed the baby that was no longer in my arms.  It was through finding things to be thankful for that I found a way to be thankful for those “feed your baby” reminders.  It gave me an opportunity to share Clara’s milk with others babies who were in need. We sent 356 oz of her milk to the Rocky Mountain Mother’s Milk bank in Denver.  (When Lincoln’s allergies were diagnosed I experienced a similar circumstance and we knew right away we would donate.  With him we drove 2,222oz to the University of Iowa Mother’s Milk Bank.)  There was great comfort and thankfulness found in helping others instead of dumping it all down the drain.

When I went back to work finding things to be thankful for became extremely important.  People made off-the-cuff remarks or condolences that weren’t exactly comforting.  I needed something, other than these, to hold.  Each night I would sit down and find my good things to set my heart on.  I tried to focus on how thankful I was that each person thought enough to stop by and remember Clara and less on their comments.   It was through this process that I was able to let a lot of things roll off my shoulders.

This kind of being “thankful for” is one I offer to many along the loss journey.  For those who dedicate time each day for their heart, there is comfort.  It won’t fix everything but it will help set your heart on a path to let go of the bad and cling to the good.

My husband and I have turned this concept into a bedtime routine for our children too.  Each evening we sit and pray thanks for the things we are “thankful for”.  Sometimes the kids are thankful for things, other nights it is deeper.  It depends on their age and the type of day they’ve had.

We have learned a lot about our kids through the prayer time.  We see what makes them happy or sad.  We hear their pain when they ask if they can pray for someone else.  The best thing is they go to bed and wake happier.  We get to see little pieces of their big hearts.

My experience with setting my heart on the good has helped me in other situations in my life as well.  As we deal with Lincoln’s health, it helps to focus on the good things.  When we heard the news that Lincoln wasn’t ever going to be able to use the bathroom like a normal boy, it was devastating.  When we started doing clean intermittent catheterizations life was in turmoil.  By the end of the first week, we noticed a huge change in our little boy.  He was calmer and better behaved.  For the first time in his life his bladder was empty after he relieving himself.  It was in that good that we found comfort in the sadness. He was actually happier!  That is what we chose to focus on.

Today I don’t need to set aside as much time for this but I still use it to help me through so many situations of life.  I am grateful for the changes and comfort my family has gotten by actively being “thankful for” things in our lives.  Sometimes our gratitude is small, sometimes big.  Either way filling your heart with good things leaves little room for the bad to get in there and fester.

“Fill your heart with what’s important…
and be done with all the rest.”




Toddler {Thankful For} Fall Decorating Project

I spent way too much time on Pintrest but I found a fun way to decorate for the Thanksgiving season.  I thought it would help reinforce the nightly {thankful for} prayers that he and Lincoln do each night.  My three little ones were crazy about this project!!  I simply traced each of their hands on different colors of construction paper.  If you look closely I opted to use a single color for each kid and I used their “writing” hand.  I feel like it makes it personal and they can show friends and family their {thankful for} things. They each gave me ideas for their hands (well the baby needed a little help) and then they each took turns hanging them up.  When my older boys got home they were disappointed that they didn’t get to put hands up too. Fun for all ages I found!

Thankful for

Be Kind, Be Thoughtful, Be Genuine, but Most of all Be Thankful.

Ortman Family Update {Thankful For}

Time has passed so quickly as much of my nap time blog time was used for the CarlyMarie Project.  Life has been full of changes for us and we have much to be thankful for!  So far Chris and I haven’t had a moment where we thought, “we made a mistake by moving.”.

{Thankful For}

~New Church: Heartland Community Church
~Mason’s academic improvements
~Improvements in Mason’s tics (fewer) and less anxiety
~New Friends
~Lots of activities in area
~New sense of calm in our lives
~More family time
~New Family Doctor is great
~Lincoln is overcoming a cold/cough without a trip to the hospital
~Weekly miles added to our cars are less than 100
~Elections are over
~SD visit scheduled Dec/Jan
~Small home means lots of good things
~Great neighbors
~Tighter bond to my siblings
~Damon told us to go one date and he and Mason would watch kids

Not a whole lot more to report but I wanted to share some of the fun places we have been and done the past few weeks.  Enjoy!

Coralville Lake Nature Trail

Coralville Lake Nature Trail


Lincoln and Preston at Pee Wee basketball on Wednesday mornings.

Lincoln and Preston at Pee Wee basketball on Wednesday mornings.

Iowa Children's Museum plane exhibit is a favorite for the boys.  Hal prefers to push her baby around while grocery shopping.

Iowa Children’s Museum plane exhibit is a favorite for the boys. Hal prefers to push her baby around while grocery shopping.

A little Ankeny Centennial Football

A little Ankeny Centennial Football

The "best park"!  #ThreeStoriesTall

The “best park”! #ThreeStoriesTall

Beautiful fog covered the pond in our development.

Beautiful fog covered the pond in our development.

The sunset over the pond in our development.

The sunset over the pond in our development.

Hugs and Smiles!