Tag Archives: See You Again

CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #9


Last year when I did this project I had several songs that reminded me of Clara and they still do.  This year I wanted to do something different.  I actually just heard this song last week and absolutely fell in love with it.  I searched for a perfect video of it but couldn’t find the one that “hit home”.  Creating a video in memory of Clara has been on my “to-do” list for 4 years.  It has just never worked out when I have tried before whether it was computer issues or lack of abilities 😉

I shed many tears creating this but it was so worth it.  I am in love and the boys really like it too.     “Gone Too Soon” really is where I am in my journey.  I often times wonder what she would look like or what she would be doing today.  I am even more curious about her the older Haleigh gets and the more people comment about how much she and Clara look alike.  It is something to comes to mind when we visit friends who had little girls at the same time we had Clara.  It is bittersweet to watch them grow.   We certainly still love her so much and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her.

“See You Again” by Carrie Underwood was my second choice for today’s reflection.  It really does bring comfort because I know I will see her again when I am called Home.  Sometimes reminding myself of that promise is all I need to bring a smile back and help me to continue on.  Every day is one day closer until we meet again!!