Tag Archives: Retreat

The CarlyMarie Project – Day 16



Half way through the month of October and the CarlyMarie Project.  Looking at the project topics to come and I realize that the easy part of the month is over.  The next 15 days are deep topics and although I am looking forward to them, I know they will take time.  It makes today a great day for a retreat!

For me this retreat means working on a bible study and try to catch up a little on my bible in a year project that has been put on hold.  It means looking back over the last 15 days and giving all the things that have come up to God.  It means a day of prayer.  Prayers of thankfulness and of releasing fears.  God truly is my best listener.  He is my rock.  Yes, God is my rock, not my husband.  My husband may have been the one who has been by my side through this journey but God is the one leading me through.  So for now I will retreat from the world and take nap time to be with the Lord.
Blessings to you all!

God… You are my place of quiet retreat; I wait for Your word to renew me.  
Psalm 119:114

Day - 16 - Retreat

