Tag Archives: Give

The CarlyMarie Project – Day 19



Looking at the topic of give makes me smile.  My husband and I found very early on that giving in memory of Clara was healing for us.  For me it made it feel less like I was simply throwing Clara’s stuff away and more that I was offering a little bit of Clara to others.  The first call we got in the ER was from the organ donation group.  They were asking us if we would be willing to donate Clara’s heart valves.  We said yes!

From there we slowly gave away some of her things, like diapers, wipes, and some clothes to a program for mothers in need.  We sent off the breast milk that we had stashed away to a Mother’s Milk Bank in Denver, CO.  Each year we use our local Angel Tree to find a little girl Clara’s age to give to.  We give to SIDS research and family help.  There are just so many ways we can and do give in the physical form.

Sometimes we are so stuck on material giving that we over look the self giving we can do.  Often times it is the giving of ourselves that can mean so much more that anything else.  I found the best giving to come from helping others.  Being a peer contact was one way I could help others.  God brought so many women into my life at a time when I and they needed it most.  To watch many of these women work through their grief has helped me walk through mine.  There insights have been helpful to mine.  The best part is seeing them smile again and return to God.  The love they share heals my heart a little more each time.

