Tag Archives: Express

The CarlyMarie Project – Day 27



Day 27

 Today is a day to blog about anything.  “Express” something that is on your heart.  I had a tough time finding something to really write about until I logged onto Facebook.  After reading several posts from both friends and strangers, one things sticks out in my mind.  Grief changed the way I raise my kids.  Gone are the days of overtime, sports of every kind, buying them the world.  It makes my heart ache to hear and read about parents who are missing out on their kids lives because they want to give them the world.  It makes me sad that families would rather miss weeks and years of their kids lives and assume that the fancy vacation or completely paying off for college will somehow make up for that lost time.  “They will understand the sacrifice when they are set for life.”

I have been that parent.  I think we all have at some point.  Clara’s passing changed my life and Lincoln’s health issues remind me that no ones time on earth is certain.  Children and adults die every day.  Each day that you miss spending time with them is one day closer to them leaving.  It is one less day you have with them.   I missed so many days with Clara that I will never get back.  Kids don’t need the world, they need their parents.  They need BOTH parents to hug them and love them.  They need BOTH parents to teach them and prepare them for the world.  They need BOTH parents to accept them.  As parents we need to be able to balance the worldly views with biblical views.  We need to show our kids that it is okay to work hard and yet say no to extra hours at work, sports, extra activities.  We need to show our kids our love as a couple.  We need to take more time than so many of us do to make memories because if your child dies before you, the memories are what get you through your loss. And if you are fortunate enough to never know the loss of a child remember that the memories you make with your kids are what they will have left.   Don’t let those memories be regrets or wishes that more time was spent together.

