Tag Archives: Book

CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #29


Some say you never really heal after the loss of a child while others say you heal but you will always be different.  I feel like it is a little of both.  Healing takes courageous effort.  One must be willing to work, willing to feel hurt, willing to try again tomorrow.  My own healing has been a long journey.  One of much pain, love, and courage.  I feel like the single most healing thing for me has been doing the reflection and journaling for the Carly Marie Project.  I had tremendous healing with the 2012 project.  The project makes you think about the things that ultimately change your life and shaped you.  You take the time to reflect and ask yourself: why do I feel this way, why did this make me feel so hurt, why does this make me smile?

After the project I put together all my thoughts and created a book to keep.  I found that it almost erased some of those bad memories I kept holding onto.  The writing turned out to be much more therapeutic that I could have ever imagined.  That is why I chose to continue the project this year.  I am amazed at how a single year has changed how I feel about some things and yet others remain the same.

I would encourage everyone who is dealing with the loss of a child to complete this project.  You don’t have to do it publicly.  Write it down in a journal at home and place it safely with the special things you have kept for you child.  This project comes with tears but the healing that can take place if you take the time to reflect each day is amazing.  I will be forever greatful for taking the chance and completing the project.  I hope you will find a similar healing.

Courage doesn’t always roar.  
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”

CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #13


One of the best books for me was SIDS & Infant Death Survival Guide (http://www.amazon.com/SIDS-Infant-Death-Survival-Guide/dp/0964121808/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1381685730&sr=8-2&keywords=SIDS+%26+infant+death+survival+guide).

I got this book with the care package I received from Brianne & Lach’s Legacy.  I found a lot of help in it and comfort.  I read about so many other families that had experienced a sudden loss and how some of them handled different situations.  I found great tips on how to handle the comments that would come from not having a girl visible in out family, even though we do have one.  I also read some of the comments that might be said to me and that were, for the most part, said to me.  I felt prepared to go back to the real world with a realistic expectation on what I would hear and how it might make me feel.  I was able to be pro-active about coming up with ways to talk to my kids, daycare, husband, family, and most of all how to let those “comforting” words from others fall off my back without being a burden of hate.  I recommend this book to anyone whether you have experienced a loss or not.  If you have never experienced a loss, you will finish with ways to comfort and help someone who has lost an infant.