Tag Archives: Angel Tree

Christmas 2014

Nothing is better than celebrating the holidays with traditions and breaking a few.  This year was full of both.  After careful planning, Lincoln’s before Christmas surgery date still got pushed back to post holidays.  This meant we could carry on our tradition of hunkering down and being homebound again.  Who wouldn’t want to break that tradition we started in 2010?!?!
There is always next year, right?

Our next tradition we knew we wanted to keep was that of the Angel Tree.  Iowa City area does things a little differently and it took some time to find something similar.  Chris was able to find a place on the UI campus that let us choose an age range.  He picked a couple of tags and we went shopping or herding is the right word (that is what it is like with 5 kids at 7:30 at Walmart).  We walked the aisles searching for things that we thought we might have purchased for Clara.  We decided on a few Barbies, Connect Four, beading set, Minecraft, kids nail polish kit, and a cat Lego set.  When we got home and unpacked we realized we had purchased exactly 7 gifts.  The kids thought that was pretty cool, “1 gift from each of us!”.  I call them “whispers from Heaven”.


We broke tradition when it came to Christmas Church programs. This year we were able to attend Family Sunday and watch each of the kids sing.  It was the cutest thing to see them in front of a crowd.  We are fortunate to have found a welcoming church and a wonderfully healthy nursery.  To date Lincoln has never been as healthy as he has the past 3 months!  This peace of mind has allowed us to attend more regularly and break our traditional Christmas break from church.

CameraAfter months of asking for a fancy camera Chris and I found one we agreed on.  Thank you to woot.com for an amazing deal!  We are now proud owners of a Nikon D7000.  I am not doing many cakes now but I am sure I can find lots of other things to photograph and learn with.  Chris even found some free classes through the U for me.  I am not satisfied with just pointing and shooting and want to be able to use our device to the best of it’s abilities.  Guess I have just picked up a new hobby!  Anyway here are a couple of test images I took this past week.  Not bad to start with.


Clara Ornament

This year the big boys were not home with us.  We have that every other year so it was nothing new but it still felt different this year.  We opted to take the little ones to Build-A-Bear to create a critter for them to take to bed.  Haleigh already takes her “Baby” (Cabbage Patch) to bed and there has been a long standing argument between the boys on who gets to take the other “Strawberry” (the other Cabbage Patch) to bed with them.  We thought creating their own stuffed animal might be fun for all of us.  So on Christmas eve, after our traditional homemade pizza creating, we took the boys to the mall and had fun.  Both Lincoln and Preston picked out a Ninja Turtle.  While we were stuffing Chris and Haleigh disappeared to do a little last minute shopping.  The little boys seemed to have a lot of fun picking out weapons and a pair of Ninja Turtle pajama’s for each turtle.  We left Build-A-Bear about a $100 lighter but Mikey and Raph are well taken care of and provide lots of nighttime comfort.


Here is a little peak at Christmas morning too.  Santa left the kids a little Turtle playset and a table and chair set for the little ones and a nice pair of athletic pants for the older boys.  After sorting, packing, throwing, donating, and moving everyone agreed less is more.  Our kids saw fewer presents but more focus on God and giving.  I must say it was a much more peaceful holiday.


Although our holiday season isn’t over yet our tree is down.  Our tradition is broken once again but small home means space is critical 🙂

South Dakota friends and family, we are headed your way soon!
We miss you!
Sending lots of hugs.











and a whisper from our Little Angel in Heaven…
Elf Listens to Angel

Giving in Memory of Clara

“…when we give what we can, and give it with joy, we don’t just renew the American tradition of giving, we also renew ourselves.”  Bill Clinton

We have always given to a child on the local Salvation Army Angel Tree.  After Clara passed we decided that each year we will find a child that is the same age Clara would be and go shopping.  For us it is healing to be able to walk through those girl aisles and look.  We get to purchase things we can imagine ourselves buying for her and give a gift to another child.  This year Chris and I did a date night and went shopping for our little girl.  “Taylor” was 5 and although Clara would have been 4 1/2 it was close enough for us.  We decided that we wanted to do clothes this year instead of toys.  We never really got a chance to buy any clothes for Clara.  Everything she wore before her death were gifts.  All the clothes we had purchased were still neatly on the hangers and although Haleigh did use some of them (and we donated a lot to the local shelter and teddy bear treasures program), it just isn’t the same.

It didn’t take us long to fall head over heals for a pretty dressy outfit.  We quickly realized that $25 isn’t much for clothes so we started searching for sales online.  Thanks to Black Friday (or Gray Thursday) we found a great sale at Children’s place.  I couldn’t help but get the “keep on smiling” shirt!!  The smile it brings to our hearts and faces to be able to give to another child in need is something we look forward to each Christmas.  We hope that “Taylor’s” smile is as big as ours this Christmas.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 10:31