Category Archives: Photography

Capturing the Mess


Life is sometimes too busy to do everything we want and sometimes everything we need.  It has been my desire to learn to use my camera for a while but with a to-do list a mile long, it was at the bottom.  Earlier this week I captured a lovely image of the tree in our yard and it made me aware of my wish to capture things.  Instead of pushing aside the desire, I wrote in time on my weekly calendar to take 40 minutes to capture, edit (if needed), and blog.  So here goes…


In a small home with seven people it is easy to find “dirty”.  Toys are scattered daily as are clothes, blankets, towels, shoes, ect.  When you have this many kids messy is just everyday!

Today I captured two images.  One that required no filter or changes.  I love this picture!!  It really shows the joys of spending time with my kids. Some days it is painting or play dough and other days it is grass stains and mud.  This pair of jeans hangs in my laundry room as a reminder of those fun days as I load my washer with the never-ending laundry pile.


The second image I captured is one I see often.  The leftovers of breakfast may not be delightful to eat but they sure are colorful to catch in picture.  They capture the heart of daily life for me.  The colors are vibrant like each of my kids and the full sink the reminder of my full life.



This image was edited and I also added a vintage filter. I like the hazy look and feel.  I think some mornings I feel that same haze!

Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.

Spring is Here!

So many of you know that my favorite season is spring.  It reminds me so much of the time I got to share with Clara.  The renewing season of spring fills the day with reminders of love, happiness, new beginnings, and hope.  I find the gentle spring rains to remind me of tears of love that fall when I think of Clara.  Unlike the storms of summer where I feel a sense of my grief  during the first few months after Clara’s passing, the spring rains are gentle, kind, and bring beauty to the empty land.

Today isn’t the first day of spring but it is the first day I noticed the tree outside our front window is has leaves opening!  What a perfect day since yesterday was Easter and a time of hope and renewal.  I am looking forward to seeing flower buds and flowers soon.  Until then I wanted to capture and share the beautiful image outside my home today.  It is my little piece of heaven today.  SpringTree2015Iowa

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
{Romans 12:2}