Category Archives: CarlyMarie Project 2013

CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #21


Mother’s Milk Bank:

When Clara left us I was still pumping and freezing milk for her.  We had begun adding formula to her diet but still wanted to give breast milk too.  When our arms were left empty my body was left hurting.  Every 3 hours my body reminded me that I should have a baby to feed.  Through the funeral planning, visitation, funeral, and the next few weeks I was constantly reminded.  I pumped and cried.  It felt like such a waste.   Any mom can tell you how difficult it is to throw breast milk away.

I stumbled upon a site about breast milk banking and realized this was what I needed to do.  I called the Sioux Falls, SD Hospitals and spoke to their NICU staff.  I found no place in SD to donate to but Denver, CO had a location.  I made the call that not only left me in tears but also the lady on the other end.  She was amazing and did everything she could to make sure Clara and my milk was able to make it to Denver.  She said that every year they have about 5 mother’s who donate in memory of their child.  They have a care package they send to these wonderful, caring women who in their time of loss think of how they can save others.  Our milk would be used for very premature babies who still can’t tolerate formula.  Breast milk is so gentle on their bodies and helps decrease their risk of things like intestinal infections or surgery complications.

Our small donation of 350 ounces made between 150-200 bottles available to these precious little lives.

Below is a chart of current donation locations.  In 2010 I donated again to Coralville IA (Iowa City).  That is the current location that Eastern South Dakota NICU’s receive their donated milk from.  I encourage mom’s to check it out.


Lach’s Legacy:

Each year we give to Lach’s Legacy in Clara’s memory.  Our wish is that the care package that meant so much to us, is there for others.  We also appreciate the “Run for Their Lives!” 5K each year and want to continue to help make it successful.

CJ Foundation for SIDS:

We also give in memory here as well.  Some day hopefully we can detect those babies at high risk for SIDS and it can only happen with research. CJ Foundation for SIDS also is a key educator for care givers and parents on SIDS risk reduction as well as a place to seek help for creating home town awareness.

Peer Contact:

Connecting with others helps keep Clara’s memory alive.  I know that I can listen to others talk about their babies and know that they will not judge me for talking about mine.  Speaking her name isn’t weird or awkward because they too want to talk about their baby.  It is a bond that will last a lifetime.

Carly Marie Project:

Last but not least I do this project in memory of Clara.  I find it to create awareness to infant loss as well as help those who have never experienced the loss of a child help someone around them.  This project touches so many lives.  Not just mine or my friends, but all those who take the chance to read it.  I find that for 31 days I can freely talk about Clara, my feelings, my projects, my heart without feeling like a burden.  For 31 days I can share my faith without having to look for a “perfect opportunity”.  For 31 days grieving the loss of a child isn’t hidden or shameful.  For 31 days you get to see what it is like for a parent to lose a child and what they deal with 365 days a year.


CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #20


Getting through each day after Clara’s passing took work.  I had to find something good to focus on.  It was those small things that helped me to focus less on how awful my loss was and to realize that my tears were because I knew how wonderful each day with Clara had been.  I really found finding ways to celebrate her life gave me hope.  Hope that maybe, some day, we could find a way to help end SIDS.  Hope that the awareness we try to create will save another family from this profound sadness.  Hope that when we think about her we will smile more often than cry.

My hope will always be that each newly bereaved family can find this hope too and some day smile as much as we do.

The other thing I hope for others, who just entering this grief, is that they are gentle on themselves.  It is easy to blame yourself and question everything.  It can consume our lives and our hearts.   Grief is overwhelming.  The days feel long and the nights even longer.  Be gentle.  Take time for you.  Don’t listen to others bad advice or harsh words, they aren’t feeling what you are.  Don’t rush into packing up your little ones things or to hold a baby because you don’t want to make someone feel bad.  Do it because you are ready.  Be gentle on your heart.  Love.  Hug.  Pray.  Find hope in each day.
Your heart will never be whole but work towards a heart that holds beautiful memories of your little one.


CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #19


My husband has been by my side every day. He is so supportive and together we have learned how to understand each other feelings.
We have been there to pick the other one up when one of us starts feeling down. I can’t imagine this journey without him and fear the day when he won’t be by my side.

There are so many friends and family that have been there for us. You truly see the work of God as he brings someone into or lets someone fade out of my life.
He knows just the right person to help me, support me, guide me, hug me.

Brianne your care package was the best thing I could have ever gotten. We are so thankful to remember our baby (and yours) each year.

Tanya and Sara I know I can talk to you both and know that when we are done, I will have me heart in the right spot and my tears will be dry. You listen and offer so much support and I am blessed to have you to talk to.

There are so many others that offer support as well… Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your love brings a smile to me every day 



CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #18


One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. 
Whether it’s guilt, anger, love, or loss. 
Letting go is never easy, 
you fight to hold on, you fight to let go.

Last year when I did this project I found myself able to let go of all the hurt and anger I felt toward others. I found that reflecting on it, writing it down, and closing that chapter really helped heal some wounds in my soul. That is why I chose to do this project again. Sometimes release can be feelings and sometimes it is something more tangible. This year I want to be able to let go of the material things that remind me that Clara’s life was real. Clara’s bedding, clothes, toys, shoes. Having had our last child it is time for me to let go of many things we bought for Clara’s birth and chose to use with the rest of our babies rather than replace. Haleigh has now outgrown all of the clothes Clara wore and is wearing the ones she never got to. So it time to give them to another family. It makes it easier to shared these clothes now that Haleigh has worn them because they are no longer “Just Clara’s”. Yet they are all we have left of Clara too. So this month I plan to pack up a few special items and release the rest. I have realized in my journey that Clara has been and always will be a part of my life and I don’t need every material thing that was hers to prove she was here.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go.”


CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #17


It has been 4 yrs, 5m, and 5 days since we last held Clara.

As time has passed we no longer count the time in days or months but in years. What seems like an eternity ago sometimes feels like just yesterday. Our life is forever split by “before Clara” and “after Clara” when we refer to memories. No one knows when our time here is done…remember to hug and love the special ones in your life.

“Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love, time is eternity.”
~ Henry Van Dyke


CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #16


The frozen blossoms are a perfect example of both the season Clara was born in and also the season she passed in.

We had no idea when she was born that such a beautiful blossom would be taken by the coldness of the last winter freeze and a little bud would be forever frozen in our hearts, memories, and pictures in our home.



CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #15

Wave of Light

Today is October 15, 2013 and Pregnancy, Still birth, and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  Tonight at 7pm we light a candle to remember those gone too soon.

A candle lit in memory of Clara (1/21/09- 5/12/09) and 1 for our miscarried baby (5/21/12). Thinking of all the babies lost too soon.



CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #14


Our family has grown since we lost Clara. I had no idea that in 4.5 years of marriage I would have 4 kids!! We can never replace Clara and we wouldn’t want to. Each year we are blessed with the opportunity to get a family picture that includes Clara. We pray that we get this opportunity every year.

Thank you to Lach's Legacy for hosting the annual "Run for Their Lives!" 5K run/walk each year.

I thought I would also share the family picture below as well. I think the wall decal describes it so well…. Super Heroes & Fairy Tales. It is bittersweet when school picture time comes and we change them out. Each year 5 little faces change so much and 1 stays the cute princess face we can only dream about.

Family can mean so many things.  I would also like to include my “family” of SIDS and infant loss.  That family, sadly, continues to grow.  It is this family that listens and understands my grief.  I am proud to call all of you family.  I only wish that our group no longer had to grow and that no child had to leave this earth so soon.  God Bless you all!!



CarlyMarie Project – Day #10


Losing a child can either bring you closer to God or push you away.  I think each of us deals with grief in such different ways that it is hard to know how we will be affected until we have had to experience it.  For me Clara’s death being ruled SIDS created less anger in me on how she died.  After researching and reading about SIDS I realized that no person caused this.  Yes there are risk factors that played a part but if they hadn’t happened May 12, 2009 would this have happened on any other day??  I truly believe that when it is our time to be called Home, we must leave.  I feel little anger toward God because we know Clara didn’t suffer.  She peacefully went to sleep.  I am always thankful of the short time we got to share with her.

When it comes to the questions of why…  That is a little harder.  At first I questioned what I had done to deserve this.  Was it punishment for past sins?  Then there is guilt for asking God why.  For some reason many churches tell us we shouldn’t ask God why and that “it happens for a reason”.   I found neither of those to be comforting and actually to create more anger.  It was only after some reading that I realized and was comfortable with knowing it is okay to ask why.  Joshua, Moses, Jeremiah, and David did.  Even Jesus did!  “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:45).  I was aware I may never see an answer to my question of why or that the answer might not be answered in the way that I want.  Today I feel like some of my “why?” has been answered.  Sometimes it is something as simple as getting asked about safe sleep or as big as meeting a newly bereaved family.  I think of all the good things I have seen in the years since her passing and am thankful the the gift to be able to see each one.

I also believe that Clara’s passing has changed our family focus.  I see changes in our boys as they share with us why they believe in God.  Christmas and Easter have far more meaning that just candy, eggs, and presents.  It is because of the birth of Jesus and his death and resurrection that we know we will see Clara again.   To watch the impact this has made on our family has only strengthened my faith.   We have shifted our family focus toward serving and helping others.  I am amazed at the gift of compassion and strength God has given me to share my faith with others throughout my journey.  It is something I never envisioned myself doing.

When others ask about having our 4 boys and that we finally got our girl… I often reply that we actually have 2 girls, one in our arms and one in the arms of Jesus.  It is something I believe to be true.  I really do think she is waiting for the day when each of us is called home.  I believe that she welcomed the baby we lost by miscarriage last year and that they wait for us together.

“I think rain is  Clara laughing so much at Lincoln and Preston’s funny things that she is crying.  You know why I think that?  Because there are no sad tears in Heaven.”  Mason
“Yeah, I don’t like it when people say that rain is crying from Heaven.  Heaven isn’t supposed to be sad. I think Clara is always smiling and saving me a turn of the gold xbox.” Damon

“Mom, if we digged Clara out of the ground and opened up her box, would she be all bones?  Is she going to be just bones in Heaven?”  Mason

“If Clara was still alive I don’t think Lincoln would be here.  I don’t know what is more sad, thinking Lincoln my not be alive or that Clara had to die when she was a baby.”  Damon

“How will I know who Clara is when I get to Heaven?”  Damon and Mason
“She will be waiting for you.  God promises we will know.” Me


CarlyMarie Project 2013 – Day #9


Last year when I did this project I had several songs that reminded me of Clara and they still do.  This year I wanted to do something different.  I actually just heard this song last week and absolutely fell in love with it.  I searched for a perfect video of it but couldn’t find the one that “hit home”.  Creating a video in memory of Clara has been on my “to-do” list for 4 years.  It has just never worked out when I have tried before whether it was computer issues or lack of abilities 😉

I shed many tears creating this but it was so worth it.  I am in love and the boys really like it too.     “Gone Too Soon” really is where I am in my journey.  I often times wonder what she would look like or what she would be doing today.  I am even more curious about her the older Haleigh gets and the more people comment about how much she and Clara look alike.  It is something to comes to mind when we visit friends who had little girls at the same time we had Clara.  It is bittersweet to watch them grow.   We certainly still love her so much and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her.

“See You Again” by Carrie Underwood was my second choice for today’s reflection.  It really does bring comfort because I know I will see her again when I am called Home.  Sometimes reminding myself of that promise is all I need to bring a smile back and help me to continue on.  Every day is one day closer until we meet again!!
