I Am…
I wish …
I would have woken Clara up the morning she passed instead of “taking advantage” of her sleeping in. I have always regretted that decision.
I remember …
All the kindness that was offered. I still can’t believe the amount of love and support we got then and still receive now.
I could not believe…
The things people said. People will say some cruel things. Do me a favor and if you hear it, don’t repeat it. Not to someone else and not to me. It is okay to be a filter. If you think the comment was terrible, I definitely don’t need to know what Janny said about me at the community center during bingo.
If only …
I had wondered why she was so sleepy. If only we had waited a while longer to switch her formula. If only we had dressed her in lighter clothes. If only she had been sleeping on her back. These are the things that I try not to dwell on. I can’t change these. I do know that letting go of these regrets has helped me move forward.
I am …
forever changed. I am growing. I am not sad all the time anymore. I am able to talk to about Clara without always sharing tears. I am a different me.