Capture Your Grief – 2016 – Day #21


Relationships remind me of this critter car in my image.  We are all different and unique in our experiences and yet, we have found a way to journey together.  Each has a strength they can share and each has a weakness they are seeking help with.  It is that support system that this griever sought.

One thing I didn’t expect was the number of new relationships I would find through my grief.  I have met so many wonderful people, many that I still talk to often.  These relationships  were much needed as some of my previous connections changed.  I have come to understand that  friendships come and go with the seasons of life.  It is a rarity that friendships end, they simply change.  Some of my best relationships and friendships took a back seat in my time of need.  I had to remind myself that they would be there when this season of grief changed.  As the years have passed, those relationships did come back.  Some were the same, others were different. Today I am thankful to have so many people to reach out to when I need.  I also have a fond appreciation for those who reach out to me at random and become the connection I have been secretly needing.




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