#CaptureYourGrief – Day #15

Wave of Light

 Crazy to think we are half way through the month of October already!  Today is a time of great reflection as we light a candle in memory of our little lady and also for the baby lost to miscarriage.

This is the first year that we will not be home at 7pm to participate in the wave.  Instead of the waiting to light a candle until nightfall I chose to keep my Scentsy nightlight on all day with a scent that reminds me of fall and babies. It was actually comforting to come home from a walk and smell the reminder of their memory in the air.

We wouldn’t be where we are today if we hadn’t have Clara or the miscarriage.  As I set up the candles and Clara’s picture my little ones again asked questions and talked about her.  Haleigh took one of Clara’s stuffed bears for her animal collection.

We talked about other babies and young children who we light these candles in memory of.  So many that Preston, “Mom, that’s too many.  I can’t remember them all.”.  I told him that is why we do this project.  We hope that nobody else has to know what it is like to lose a baby.  We don’t want anyone to forget Clara or any other baby along the way.

Together we said a prayer for all the families that will always have a little piece of their heart in Heaven.  Tonight we will be thankful for the time we had and the life we held in our arms and the life we had hoped to hold.

“Angels of Heaven hear my plea.
Take care of my baby, just for me.”

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