Homemade Weed Killer

I HATE weeds!!

Last year we placed rocks around the front of the house to help with our out of control, kill everything weeds.  The rose bushes have really grown since we moved in the rocks.  Unfortunately some of the weeds are already back and I am tired of weeding again.  Since the temps are in the 90’s this week I decided to have a little weed killing party today.

In a home filled with outdoor loving children I wanted to give something homemade a try.  I am not looking to control weeds in my yard, just my rock beds.  After a little searching on ye olde Pinterst I located a vinegar weed killer.  I decided to give it a try.

Let’s just say it is AWESOME!!!  Within 30 minutes I could already see the weeds dying and as of 6 hours later the weeds easily pull from the ground. Now it isn’t a long term solution, I am sure I will be reapplying but it did the trick with very, very little work.  I will be using this recipe again!!  It even killed the stubborn weeds that are growing out of my asphalt driveway.

Weed Killer Recipe:

1 quart vinegar
1 tsp liquid dish soap
1/4 c salt

It’s important to apply weed killer on a sunny day after morning dew has evaporated and with no rain in the forecast for at least 24 hour.   As with any other weed killer try to choose a time with no breeze or little breeze to avoid floating spray that could land on wanted vegetation, like grass or flowers, since the weed killer can kill more than the intended weed. For better control you could use a fine stream from the sprayer so there is no mist floating around.  Completely coat the visible foliage.  Wait and see the results.

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