Monthly Archives: June 2013

Happy Milestone Day

Wednesday was the day!!

Haleigh is officially older than her sister was on earth.  It is the last time we will reach this first milestone.  We are so thankful to all those who prayed for our comfort during the past week.  Look at the smile we captured on our special day!!!

We spent the day at family bible camp in Okoboji (  We both agreed that while it was hard to leave Haleigh in the care of others it was equally hard hearing how much Haleigh looked like a doll with her beautiful skin and pretty smile.  That was a comment often said as people passed Clara’s body at the wake and funeral and rightfully so, she did look just like a doll in the casket.  So we both decided that was probably the hardest thing we experienced this time around.  The other thing that ranked up there in the “hard to deal with” category was the music.  Of course this year’s theme was “Remedy” and honestly perfect for us, but some of the music played was heart wrenching to hear since it was also played at Clara’s funeral which made it a bit more difficult for us.  That said, we had a wonderful time.  We met some amazing friends and the kids were never short of attention!!  The community really loves all and we were blessed to have a week away from home during our stressful time.  This week really helped us to focus on what really matters and less on our fears.

We are excited to have been given the opportunity to raise Miss Haleigh and are looking forward to our next “age” milestone of 4 months.  That day will be here very shortly.


Tennis Racket Cake

I haven’t posted many pictures of my creations lately.  I thought it would be fun to share a graduation cake from last month just days before my gall bladder surgery.  I work best with a picture of what each person wants,  so you will see the image I used to create from and the cake I created.

Sample cake…

Cake I created..


The racket is modeled after the graduate’s actual racket brand and colors.


One More Week & Haleigh's First Goal

As Haleigh gets older I am in awe at the things she is doing.  She has shared with us her first smile, first giggles, first poop-spoltion daipers, first night of sleeping 9hours, you get my drift.  One first we are approaching is the day when she is older, on earth, than her sister.  In a few short days that day will be here.  As we count down the days and continue to add to the list of Haleigh’s 1st’s I am saddened by some of the things that were so abrubtly taken away 4 years ago.  I still wonder how we made it through our loss, how we didn’t allow us to consume us and our brand new marriage.  Some how we made it back to land from the sea of grief.   I am always amazed that it can be done.  We did it!!

As I look at the week ahead I am nervous.   We are traveling and will be in the company of teenage camp counselors who will be tending to Haleigh while we attend bibles studies.  While I am excited for time to focus on God, I am nervous because these young people will be caring for and napping our little girl during a very stressful time for me.  I have never been to the training they have gotten, whether it be through the camp or baby sitting classes, so I have no idea what kind of baby care classes they have been to.  It just makes me anxious because Clara passed while at daycare…a wonderful mother with 5 children of her own!!

Today I have decided that this week will be a great time to influence some young people on safe sleep habits for babies.  Why not?!?!  Just like each person’s testimony about their walks with God can bring one to God, maybe someone with a testimony to why safe sleep is important may stay with them for a lifetime.  I hope it will bring me comfort knowing that they will take excellent care of Haleigh.  I have never taken our babies to daycare around this milestone so this is a good step in my grief, trust, and faith.  I am ready to face that challenge 🙂

As with Lincoln and Preston, I am always excited to share pictures of our big goal and “mini celebration”.  Be watching for pictures!  It will be a great sigh of relief and then we will be on to our 6m old goal.
