Monthly Archives: May 2013

What Did I do to Deserve This?

I recently came across this article on Facebook.  Reading it made me really think about things people said to me after Clara passed.

I felt like her death was somehow a punishment for things I had done in the past.   Could it??

While my anger toward God was far less than it could have been and less than what others have shared with me, I found myself in constant battle with the punishment aspect.  I have made some pretty bad choices in my past, did they finally catch up to me??  Did I have this coming?  Did I ruin my husbands relationship with his daughter because of my mistakes??  The list could keep going.  Does God really punish us?  I really had to search for answers.  I finally came to the conclusion that if you truly ask for forgiveness then the slate is clean.  But is it??  That thought lingered in my mind for a long time.

I finally got past this roadblock in my grief after working with several other mom’s who have also lost a child.  God isn’t punishing me or punishing my daycare provider.  It was simply her time to leave.  Whenever people say “what did I do to deserve this” after the death of a child I try to remind them, and myself, God isn’t punishing them…that isn’t what He does.  He isn’t punishing the child that has left either.  I think this explanation works well… god is not like an abusive father, filled with unpredictable rage. Who’s family must walk on eggshells, afraid of suddenly enraging him and should he be provoked, lash out. My God forgives and holds me…not cruelly punish me by taking my child or allowing my child to suffer.  I don’t think anyone should ever, ever say someone deserved to lose a child or that the loss was punishment.  EVER.  It leaves way too many questions and too much anger in ones heart and leaves little room for faith.

Someone once told me that everything, all the loss of life, I had experienced in my teens was preparing me for something big.  I couldn’t help but wonder if that was really true.

In high school I lost several classmates, friends, and family members.  By the time I started college I had been to 4 kids funerals and several relative’s.  I was always told God had something big planned for me, that I needed to get through these for something bigger.  What could be that big that I needed all this pain???  Was I really being prepped for something because if so I wanted to skip it, let someone else handle it.

Whenever something big did happen, I would wonder is this it??  Then after only a few short years of meeting my little brother I was hit with what I thought was the “something really big”.  My brother took his own life just 3 short weeks before Clara was born.  I will never forget reading “I will miss you” text message that night after work.  I drove home thinking he sent that message to me by mistake, maybe he broke up with a girl.  Little did I know that waiting at home was my husband with terrible news.  That would be  the last message I would get.  I watched my dad and step mom go through the most painful thing ever.  I will never forget the sound of a mother’s pain.  It is gut wrenching.  Someone said to me, “you are being prepared for something”.  Then 4 1/2 months later my baby died.

Does God groom us?  I don’t know.  I can say that my life experiences did help me with how I deal with her loss.  But did I have to endure each loss to be able to handle my own?  Maybe not, I know others who haven’t dealt with near as much death and they have made it through their grief just fine.

I think it is less about preparing and more about having faith through your grief.

For me, it’s about keeping faith that I am not being punished or that I somehow deserved this.  It is knowing and remembering that my child isn’t being punished.  It takes faith to know that  my child knows no more pain, no more suffering.  That she will always be smiling, skipping, playing.  That never more will she shed a tear.  It is with faith that I am reminded that we will someday we will meet her again.


God's Artistry

Clara passed away on the Tuesday after Mother’s Day. This year Clara’s tree began blooming  on the Tuesday after Mother’s Day.  Every year when it blooms it is windy & the blooms are ripped from the tree earlier than we would like.  A somber reminder that beautiful things are not permanent.

This year however has been a little different…  The wind didn’t last long and the delicate flowers are more cheerful than ever!!!  By weeks end her tree was in full bloom and a beautiful site.  We had a few people stop and comment as they were passing by.  <3

What a beautiful reminder of our baby girl!


My First Shared Mother's Day

Mother’s Day turned out to be a wonderful day even though it was shared with the memories of such a terrible day.  When I opened my bedroom door, I found a small pile of gifts from my older boys.  Very cute!!  They didn’t get them put on my dresser before I woke up so they left them outside my door and hoped the little boys didn’t destroy them.

We started off the morning by going to church.  Lincoln made it all the way through church sitting with us rather than going to nursery and Preston even fell asleep playing with a toy while in the nursery.  Mason was complaining of the chills but had no fever so I chalked it up to him not wanting to sit through church.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Shortly after church was done Mason bolted for the bathroom.  Unfortunately there was someone in the restroom so he had to vomit all over the hallway floor.  My second Mother’s Day gift…not having to clean up after him.  Thank you to our church janitor who so kindly cleaned it up for us while I watched and helped as Mason continue his struggle in the toilet.

After church we went to visit Clara at the cemetery.  It has been far too long since we visited.  We left her some pink and yellow flowers, Pink Lemonade 🙂  I took a few pictures of our time there.  The boys enjoyed visiting and of course climbing all over the flower bed.  Haleigh was all smiles too.


After the cemetery we stopped for a quick breakfast.  Chris ran in to the grocery store to pick up donuts and hot chocolate.  While he was there I saw Elaine and gave her a big hug.  We shared a tear and a quick chat.  We then went home.  At home I got to use my lovely gift from my little boys…Potholders.  Perfect for the cake baking mom!  I started baking cupcakes and a  cake that was ordered.

While the babies were napping and my cakes weere baking, I decided to head out and work on planting my garden.  Tomatoes, spinach, peppers, beans, corn, onions, squash, carrots, and pumpkins made their way into the ground.  I can’t wait to see the garden in a few weeks.

My garden planting and cake baking finished up about the same time so I decided to work on flowers for a few special people.  I used the same pink and yellow daisies we left for Clara earlier in the morning.  I added a beautiful little angel to each arrangement.  I love!

We had my mom out for supper.  It was great to share the evening with her.  I frosted up the cupcakes and added a strawberry to each.  So delicious!

Supper was delicious but was quickly met with a little boy, vomit, and the carpet.  He tried so hard but didn’t make it.  So I got to use my little green machine for the first time of the night…. there were a few more times to follow 😉

After the kids went to bed I decided to show Miss Haliegh some of my baking secrets.

I figure she can’t share them yet and she was more than happy to watch.  We made the final graduation cake on my calendar before my gall bladder surgery.  I think we did a pretty good job!

All in all sharing Mother’s Day went very well.  I spent much of the day busy which is my way of coping and works well.  It helps me continue to make beautiful memories out of days that easily could be filled with sad ones.  I am thankful that I got to share the day with my kids and husband.  They make each day so special!


Sharing Mother's Day

If you ask any mom who has lost a child, Mother’s Day can be very hard.

How do you celebrate when a part of you, a piece that made you a mom, is missing?  In the years since Clara passed I have found ways to make Mother’s Day special and a celebration.  This year feels different though.  I think because for the first time I have to share my special day with the anniversary of Clara’s death (May 12th).  This will be the first of several Mother’s Days I will share with this sad anniversary.

How do I celebrate Mother’s Day without feeling guilty?

Should I feel sad or guilty that I am less sad than I used to be??  Losing her doesn’t make me less of a mom but then losing her makes it hard to feel like a complete mom.  My husband keeps asking me what I want to do for Mother’s Day and I still have no ideas for him.   I thought about making a trip to visit another mom who is also sharing her special day and hosting a SIDS walk but this year it isn’t in the cards.  So I will settle for a trip to visit Clara, which will also be Haleigh’s first trip to visit her sister.  Bittersweet I guess.

On the bright side I have many good memories of sharing a single Mother’s Day with Clara.  Her smiles that day were giant!   She was loving her new found chew toy…her dress.  She was all cuddles and a snuggly little girl that day.  I also got to enjoy a cute gift her and her older brothers made at daycare….a gift I still enjoy and look at often.  Today I have 5 little blessings with me to share my day with and an angel looking down on me.  One could definitely say I am very blessed.  With them, and my wonderful husband, Mother’s Day will be a good day.

Today I got a card in the mail remembering Clara’s passing…

The words that were shared will make sharing my day with Clara’s day a little easier.

“The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand, and the sun goes down but gentle warmth still lingers on the land.  The music stops and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains… for every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.” M.D. Hughes.

There are many beautiful things that remain and that is part of what keeps a smile on my face and in my heart.

It will be what helps get me through my shared Mother’s Day.  Besides who could look at this beautiful girl and not love to remember her?!  She will always be a part of this mom and her memory a part many other moms out there.

Mother's Day 2009
