Monthly Archives: April 2013

Before & After

No, it’s not just a puzzle category on Wheel of Fortune.  It can also be used to categorize your life after you have suffered the loss of  a child.  Your life is forever split.  Memories are stored and recalled by the split.  My husband and I often say “that was before Clara’s death” or “after Clara’s death”.  Even our older boys who are 8 & 9 use these two phrases often.  Our lives were so profoundly changed and the loss so great that life is and will never be the same.  Perhaps making the distinction between before and after also helps to feel as though there is no replacement of our daughter.  No memories are the same, no child will fill the void, nothing is the same.

Over the past 4 years there have been things that we have done knowingly that establish that before and after feeling and other things that have been unknowingly done.  These things were never planned but are easily recognized today.  What should have been Clara’s first Christmas was an extremely painful holiday.  My husband, kids, and I decided to put up blue lights on the tree instead of our usual white ones.  It seemed to have a peaceful, low glow rather than the celebratory, trumpeting glow of the white ones.  That following January we got a mailing that talked about the holidays and that newly bereaved parents often use blue lights on their Christmas trees because blue signifies their sadness or “blues”.  Interesting we thought because we didn’t use the blue light for that reason but it totally fit how we felt at the time.  It also signified a before Clara, after Clara moment.

Just recently we had some home decor made for us.  I was shocked to find another hidden before & after.  As I wrote out our family names I realized that we made a change in name length after Clara.  Before Clara we have:  Chris, Missy, Damon, Mason, Clara.  All 5 letter names.  After Clara we have: Lincoln, Preston, Haleigh.  All 7 letters.  The alternative names we had chosen for the last 3 were: Sophia, Grace, Franklin.  Oddly enough none of them would have fit this unplanned pattern.  It is interesting to see how we unknowingly show that Clara simply can’t be replaced and that our family that once was, is forever changed.

I love the little surprises like this and yet it is a huge reminder of the before & after families face after the loss of a child.  As we continue down our journey we will have this pretty cool before and after moment, and a few planned ones, to hang onto instead of just sad ones.  It is reminders like these that can bring a smile to my face on the days of sadness.

While our family is disjointed by a before & after, we are still one family forever.


The Ring Theory

Has anyone heard of the Ring Theory?  It is a great tool to help you know what to say/not say a tough situation.   Follow this link to read more about the Ring Theory:,0,2074046.story

Using that article, let’s use Clara’s death as an example:

The center was obviously Clara, the the next most affected were my husband and myself, then our children and daycare provider, then our parents and siblings, then our friends, then coworkers, ect.  When the dumping went inward instead of outward was when I felt the most anger and frustration.  I could never explain very well the reason why it was so hurtful other than by saying it didn’t allow me to grieve or just that the phrase was offensive.  The Ring Theory explains exactly why I felt angry.  Outer rings were dumping inward rather than outward.  Same goes for being able to relay that things were hurtful…When I said something was hurtful to the outer rings there was no comfort, instead the outer rings dumped inward causing even more problems and hurt feelings.

It is interesting to go through the list from Day 6 of the Carly Marie Project – What Not to Say.   I can look at these and say…Yes, you can feel this way but don’t say them to me.  Like I thanked God it wasn’t my child.  Thanks but I don’t honestly want to hear that.  Say that to your friend not me 🙂

Just remember this:

“Ring Theory merely expands that intuition and makes it more concrete: Don’t just avoid dumping into the center ring, avoid dumping into any ring smaller than your own.  Remember, you can say whatever you want if you just wait until you’re talking to someone in a larger ring than yours.  And don’t worry. You’ll get your turn in the center ring. You can count on that.”


Careful What You Say…Everyday Comments

So many times people tell me they just aren’t sure what to say to someone in a bad situation. I often say just a simple “I am sorry” and a hug are plenty but what about those everyday comments that aren’t meant to be anything but small talk. I can honestly say I have opened my big fat mouth and said far more than I should have. I have gone home and thought… that was stupid, I would have hated someone saying that to me. Like the other day I told someone “We are done having kids, it is your turn.” only to find out they have been trying for several months with no luck. Blah… I felt pretty bad. No different than when someone suggested I had 5 kids because I had to get a girl. No sorry, I got a girl 3 kids ago and she died. No we didn’t keep trying, God kept them coming no matter how hard we tried not to have more. I can say that cashier felt pretty bad after that.

I completely understand that these comments are well meaning. I can’t help but be thankful for these people’s bliss and innocence to reality. I sometimes will talk about these things not as a way to complain but as a way to say “hey think before you speak” you don’t know how hurtful those well meaning words can be. Maybe it will save someone from that awkward feeling of hearing how hurtful that comment was.

For example, a cashier was ringing up our groceries and noticed our 4 boys and a new baby in the car seat. She asked gender. I replied girl. She was so excited “Finally a girl!” and followed with “Couldn’t stop until you got that girl” wink, wink. I simply explained that this wasn’t our first girl, that she died of SIDS, and that whether boy/girl we were done after this baby anyway. She was visibly embarrassed and never looked me in the eye again. When I posted on Facebook later that day about how frustrating it is to hear this whole speech and how often I hear it, rather than seeing it as a “Hey don’t say this, you might offend some stranger” I heard “people say that all the time” and “you can’t blame her for stating the obvious”.

True… I can’t blame her and I am not. I just needed to say it is not something I would say to someone I don’t know. Hey there are people who keep trying until they have a boy/girl but if they aren’t a super close friend, I certainly don’t ask them if that is their goal. Using the phrase “were you hoping for a girl?” over “had to keep trying for that girl” seems less offensive to me. That said, I also feel uncomfortable that I am put on the spot for feeling offended by what the cashier said. I just feel like there are people you can poke a little fun with and joke about their “need for a girl”…AKA your close friends and there are people who you should not. It can sometimes be a fine line.

So before you tell…
The mom of an only child…they can’t just have 1 child
The mom of no kids…when are you going to start trying
The mom of all one gender….are you going to keep trying to get the other gender
…know that just because you haven’t lost a pregnancy or a child that doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t. Talk to someone who has experienced infertility or the loss of a child. Ask them how would they liked to be asked about only having more kids. Gather the knowledge to help you keep your foot out of your mouth….at least most of the time 😉


Handing Down Clothes After the Loss of a Child

Gender neutral clothes are on their 4th (and some on their 6th) baby..

Handing down clothes after the loss of a child has been pretty easy.  I think partly because there is 4 years and 2 children in between Clara and Haleigh.  I find that the clothes I find myself reusing are the ones that I also used for Lincoln and Preston (and some from Damon and Mason).  No she isn’t dressed like a boy but onsies that say “I Love Mom/Dad” or “My Dad/Mom is a superhero” just work for both genders.  Finish off the outfit with a cute pair of girl pants and no one knows that it is actually a boys onsie.  Even less boyish is the pretty headband and bow to top off the girly look.

Okay…so she looks a little boyish in the picture but if you saw the ruffles on the back side of the pants you would think girl 😉

I kept much of Clara’s clothes after she passed…at least the stuff she wore anyway.

Seasonally most of the stuff is correct but I can’t believe how much of it now is sort of out of style.  I also find myself looking at the outfit and saying, “this isn’t Haleigh” and taking it off and putting it away to sell.  Who would have thought!?!  It isn’t that the outfit reminds me of Clara or makes me uncomfortable, it just isn’t Haleigh’s style.  I find myself attracted to blues and yellows for Miss Haleigh rather than the greens and whites for Clara.  Maybe it is my way of making sure Haleigh isn’t compared to Clara or maybe it is simply an excuse to shop the hundreds of girls racks once again.  I love seeing her in the old sleepers, probably because those haven’t changed, I mean even the colors and cute little shoe feet of them are the same this year as they were 4 years ago.

While it has been easy for the most part there was one item that has too many memories to reuse…

The one thing I unpacked that was immediately repacked was the duplicate to the outfit Clara passed away in.  We got 2 “you are my sunshine” outfits, one in 0-3 and the other 3-6.  Clara was wearing the 3-6 the day she passed.  That outfit was given to us to take home from the ER after her death.  To our surprise that outfit was cut up the pant leg and shirt front when they took her clothes off trying to save her.  That, my friends, was one of the worst surprises ever.  No one mentioned that they would be like that.  I still vividly remember discovering it and quickly hiding it from Chris.  When I told him about it, he didn’t want to see it.  I discarded that very bad memory in the trash.  When I unpacked the smaller sized one, I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it but I don’t think I could ever put it on Haleigh either.  I think it will be one that goes in Clara’s special box.

New things for the new girl

We have a few favorite outfits that are getting much use but for the most part it has been fun to pick out new things for the new girl in our lives.  I was so excited to have a girl, the first thing we did after we left the hospital was go pick out her Easter dress!  While it is nice to be able to reuse, it is also nice to have a few new things.  I think it is a matter of balancing out the old things and memories with the new things and creating new memories of both.  We do this while still remembering the good memories from before 🙂


How Does it Feel?

How does it feel to have a baby girl at home??

That is one of the most asked questions now that Haleigh is here.  To that I say great but deep down it is surreal, exciting, and scary.  Surreal because I didn’t expect to have another girl.  Exciting because we have pink and purple in the house again.  Scary because if something happens to Haleigh I am the one at home with her.  I will be the one to find her.  I will be the one to make that awful phone call.  I will be the one to try to save her.  It scares me to no end.  I pray everyday that we don’t have to feel the pain of SIDS again.  Each day she gets closer to the higher risk time frame the more often I find myself checking to make sure she is breathing while she sleeps.  Every morning and nap time I say many thank you’s that I have another day with her.

I can’t imagine my days without Haleigh.  She has such a beautiful smile and is so laid back.  She is such a treat to have in our home and absolutely completes our family.

4 weeks

There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t appreciate the opportunity to be raising so many little blessings.   Everyday we continue to pray for many more days with all of them, for the chance to see their children, and to watch them grow old.  Life means so much more after you suffer the loss of a child.  Every day with these 5 is a gift. 🙂

Mason, Preston, Damon, Haleigh, Lincoln
