Guns and a Facebook Message

With guns being the hot topic these days, I thought I would add my opinion as a gun owner and a parent.  Facebook probably isn’t the best medium for it but it is nice to hear the feedback from friends and family on the issue.  I think most of the time I get a well rounded set of opinions.  That said I also got a few private messages from friends stating their opinions as well.  Most of them I understand where they are coming from and respect them for it.

 I had one individual who was very upset with my view point and thus sent me a “helpful” message that stated…

“You are crazy!  I can guarantee you that the day the government or anyone else with a gun comes to your house and kills you and your family, I will be laughing.  You are stupid to believe that killing should be the last resort.  If you enter my home I will kill you, whether you have a gun or not.  I will make sure to stop by your grave and laugh at how well your god protected you.  God won’t protect you and you are stupid if you believe that.  He didn’t protect your daughter, isn’t she buried in the ground already?  I will protect my family at all costs but if you support gun restrictions I promise you, I won’t protect yours and neither will your god.”

To that I simply replied…

“I am not asking you to protect my family.  I was taught that killing someone is wrong and it is an absolute last resort.  Hopefully I will never need a gun to protect my family.  As for my God protecting me and my family.  Yes He will.  It may not be the way my mind would want Him to but He always does.  God didn’t “save” my child to live another day in this messed up world but He did save her from the depths of Hell and she is safe in His arms.  That kind of protection is more than I could have asked for.  He will do the same for me, my husband, my children, and all of His believers.  That said, I am afraid I wouldn’t want you and your guns protection.  I will however lock my doors out of fear that people like you own guns.”

And people wonder why there is so much fear…


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