Diapers: Cloth vs. Disposable

As we prepare for our sixth child we are face with the ever growing diaper bill.  This baby will bring us to 3 under 3yrs.  We also face the ongoing issues with our 33 month old’s bladder and the unknown time frame for potty training and bladder training.   At any rate we budget $80 for diapers every month and a newborn is almost certain to double that figure!  We had tried a few “generic” brands but never seemed to like any of them to the point where were would want to use them full time.

My husband’s brother and sister-in-law suggested cloth.  In my head cloth were messy, hard to put on, and something I had to clean.  I let her do the testing 🙂  Thanks Julie!!  gDiapers was the brand they went with.  6 months later, here I am buying them to try out on the little boys.  Well…first I had to convince my husband of the initial investment cost.  Once we sat down with the numbers (he is a numbers and figures guy, it must fit the budget) it was decided to cancel our Amazon subscribe and save and order our first set of gDiapers.  For the sake of my husband’s sanity, and mine, I decided to order 3 of the same color for each boy.  It worked perfect since the medium started pack comes with 6 shells, 3 orange and 3 green.  I quickly found out medium wasn’t quite big enough for one of the boys.  So order more I did.  This time 3 red large ones.

The little boys LOVE them.  They actually aren’t nearly as much work to clean.  I mean, what is 3 more load of laundry a week in a home of 6?!?!  Right now I have enough inserts to wash every other day which isn’t bad at all.  My 33 month old throws fits when we have appointments where we need him to wear a disposable one.  My 18 month old really isn’t too picky about which one he wears but is starting to show preference to the gDiapers as well.  Someday I will try to use them while out but for now it is nice to use disposable especially for appointments when you don’t know how long you might be out.

We love them because after 6 weeks, I still haven’t bought diapers and won’t for at least another 60 days.  We still use disposable at night.  Little boy bladders are just too much for the cloth kind, even when cloth liners are doubled up.  I am okay with that.

As we go into the last few weeks before baby we have begun to rearrange our diaper stash and storage at home.  Baby #6 will be in disposable for a short time until they are big enough for small gDiapers and then the savings can really begin 🙂

Diapers for 3


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