30 Days of Thankfulness

It’s November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

After spending 31 days sharing my grief, I can’t think of a better way to spend November but by sharing 30 things I am thankful for.


Society teaches us to focus on all the negative and sadly I am often guilty as well.

I remember after Clara passed away the one thing that got me through each day was to focus on something good that happened that day.  Small things like something my boys said or that more loads of laundry were done than were left undone.  I sometimes forget to do that now.

So I want you to all know, yes I am thankful for my God.  Thankful for my friends and family.  Thankful to have my kids and husband each day.  That said, this month I want to focus on what happened on each particular day and why I am thankful for it.  Sometimes my “thankfulness” may sound silly to you, but to me there is some reason I feel blessed.  I will try to explain why it each was such a good thing 🙂

Now to play catch-up from twitter and facebook…

Day #1:  30 Days of #Thankfulness: Nov 1 ~Encouraging MRI results for Lincoln, his quick wake-up from sedation, & our safe trip to/from Sioux Falls.

I will just leave a link to his caringbridge.  I think that will explain why.  http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/lincolnortman/journal  (Read Results are Early)

Day #2: 30 Days of #Thankfulness: Nov 2 ~I am thankful for a little place called Shopko Optical where they will replace kids glasses, free of charge, for one year. They will even pull the only matching frame off their shelf and send you home with a them on the spot, even when it is twice in a single week! That is amazing customer service and leaves me one thankful mom.

Let’s just say Lincoln broke his glasses on Tuesday night and they sent us home with a brand new pair right off their shelf.  Today he broke them again and when I called they offered to do the same.  When I asked if there was anything I could do to help offset the cost, they said not to worry.  This puts the total new pairs to 2, new glasses sides to 2, new nosepads to 6 all since July 2012!!!  I am so thankful not to have to spend $70+ each time they break.


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