Daily Archives: October 21, 2012

The CarlyMarie Project ~ Day #21

Day #21: Altar/Shrine/Sacred Space

Just a few things we have collected along the way…

This area is kind of a special place for the angels and gifts we got from the funeral and afterward.  A few things the boys have made or picked out from the store for her.  Stashed here are those special things we need to keep safe in a home full of boys 😉

My Favorite Flowers…

We still have a set of pink silk flowers from Clara’s funeral on top.  It was so disappointing as the real flowers from her funeral died and you had to let go of them.  It reminded me of having to let go of Clara all over again.  But those silk flowers never died, they are still with me.  For me those flowers are a constant reminder that Clara is always with me. Thank you to my aunts and uncle for choosing silk flowers instead of real ones 🙂
