Daily Archives: October 15, 2012

The CarlyMarie Project ~ Day #14

Day #14: Community

I really struggled to find a picture for today. I finally decided on sharing 2 pictures that are special to me.

One from the Lach’s Legacy website. This was our first opportunity to meet other families that had lost a baby to SIDS. The event took place less than a month after Clara passed away. Even through the cold, rainy weather friends and family came to support us. I met a wonderful gentleman that ran part of the way with me and shared about his nephew he was running for. He took the time to ask about Clara and was a great inspiration to me. Thanks Bri for inviting us! It was helpful to know we were not alone in our loss.

The second picture is of Tanya and I at her son Paxton’s memory golf tournament this year. I met some wonderful ladies who had experienced a whole lot of different losses from miscarriage to still born to SIDS. I got to hear what they are doing for other parents who are going through what we have. They are an amazing group of women and I can’t wait to go back next year and support them!