The CarlyMarie Project ~ Day #4

 Day #4:  Most Treasured Item

After Clara’s death a friend gave us a beautiful wooden box to hold some of Clara’s treasured items.  A few things that have found their way into the box are things we just can’t bear to share with another baby.  They will forever be Clara’s.

Her favorite blanket the one she slept with each night.  Her paci, which we got after a 30 day waiting period after her death.  The paci came home from the Police Department with a bottle which still had her milk in it and a couple of other small items they kept.  Clara’s headband, the one she seems to wear in many of her pictures.  The pink bunny that she loved to play with made it in the box too.  There are also 2 other bears from her funeral that we have kept in her box of treasures.  There are also a couple of out fits that will always be hers and her hat from the cold January day she was born.  Finally there are some papers in the box…some of her funeral items and donation papers for the breast milk we donated to the Denver Mother’s Milk Bank in her memory.  Because Clara shared  3.5 months with us, we were able to donate 356 ounces of frozen breast milk to the milk bank to help sick and premature infants in the NICU and PICU.

We will always treasure this box and all of the Clara reminders that are inside.


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